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There is a typoe leading up to the shower scene with Bryce, but I can't recall and pinpoint it in my mind.

Bryce, Bryce, Bryce

Thank you =)

I really like bryce. but honestly i am mostly excited for Drax route. Thought depending on route and update planing that might be comming soon or might be half a year away.
eh no biggie, i will have fun with the other routes as well.


There's one somewhat odd thing I'm noticing, and I'm not sure if it's unconscious or intentional, perhaps even part of the story progression. The MC appears to be very... indirect? hesitant? uncomfortable? in sexual situations. I am most definitely not that way when playing games that are clearly intended to be NSFW. What this means is that I pause for a long time on choices of that nature, and often end up reloading to see both options, because I'm stuck between wanting to make the MC less hesitant, or wanting to preserve a sense of immersion. 

You've mentioned that you felt like your MC is letting his dick do the talking too much... I honestly felt it's been the exact opposite from the beginning. So I'm wondering if you're unsure of how the MC comes off, you're trying too hard to rein him in, or... maybe it's just me being excessively horny all the time.


Hey HM, i hope you're doing well and good. I have a simple suggestion for future update and i would like if you thought about it.

First and foremost, i would like to say that i really enjoyed your VN through and through. There are still some grammatical mistakes here and there, and would love if some sprites would show the exact emotions that they display in the text-box (i know it is still work in progress, so no worries). But aside from that, i still loved your VN.

One thing however, is that it would be very neat to add a "Hide" option as to hide the text-box, so the player can see the full character / background. I loved the artstyle but the text-box chat was hiding 30% of the visual aspect all the time. I'm also on android, so i don't know if other platforms let you hide the text-box chat, but the android version still lacks such functionality.

One again, thank you so much for this VN, and i am very eager for the next update.

Wait what the update already here???? Damn yesssss


For those who want to play the 1.04 of the game go on play store and download joiplay and the ren'py plugin to play the windows version

Noooo androiidddddddd..... Looks like i need to wait for v1.05 :(

Hey Healer Main, I played through your game and it was a wonderful time, was uncomfortable at the noncon scene, but loved telling on him immediately. I found a continuety error when talking to Remington the second time. If you didn't talk about the schools of magic the first time and select it when talking to Remington the second time, the conversation can come across jaged because he says he can't wait to find out MC powers tomorrow when hes just about to do it and also the conversation just doesn't seem to flow correctly. I also had a hunch MC might be crazy powerful and can just multiclass lmfaoo so im kinda looking right rn. Love Box and Bryce don't know about the others, but I might still  play through their routes.


Thanks CP! I agree on that 'schools of magic' question, I believe I removed it in 1.05.  I love that you like Bok so far. He's a tough one to love early on ;)

Sorry for botching Bok's name lmfaoo. He seems like an nice person, but is dissapointed with his magic allignment, possibly from a generational expectiation of a certain power and he subverts that 'tradition' which might make him dissapointed, I think of this because of remington saying that some family's children can have different powers than the normal for that family; which would be a good tie in. But I don't know how the story will progress, he just seems like a softie with a prickly exterior at the moment lmfaoo.

If you may answer, why exactly don't Remington and Bryce have expressions anymore in the new build? Is there something I missed that explained why they might be absent?

Ah, I was wondering what would 'break.' I mentioned this briefly in the post today but before I would build a 'new' version for public builds which benefited from any live Patreon content (typos, sprite updates, backgrounds, etc.). To save myself on time and not having to balance two active build versions I'm just going to share the Patreon build 2 months in delay. 

So with the last public build the story was accurate for v1.03 but it included assets from v1.05 and v.106. Now that I'm just 'unlocking' the Patreon distributions I have, the story moved forward in v1.04 but some assets jumped back to match v1.04 as well.

ah, I see. So we won't be seeing a return for the expressions until the next main build?

Correct. I still don't have expression sets drawn for half the characters too so they'll be implemented over time and then eventually I'll go back and enhance prior chapters with them.


I literally just downloaded 1.03 yesterday. Imagine my surprise when I come back and there is a new update lol (not complaining ofc, keep it up :P).

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When new update releases

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Bryce has my heart, Drax my attention... that's my two principal options now



Yes. I think I have it tagged appropriately but let me know if not please


When I finally met Bryce I immidiately fell in love, he is so cute and so lovable. Shame I wish he wasn't in a digital world.

You and me both


ui, i like Drax,
cant wait to help him conquer the School and then....the world! whuhaha.
*cough, cough* i mean ,helping him become a good student...of course..

World domination seems more his jam

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I wanted to join the discord server But I can't because the Invite link is saying it's expired

Thanks for the heads up! I'll update links in old posts. For ease, here's a permanent link:

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Thank you very much. And since I just downloaded the game for the 1st time I'm really enjoying it so far. Keep up the good work


My fave characters are Drax and Bryce even though I haven't met Bryce yet I like him.

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Yeah. As the story is drafted currently, each guy would have about 4 sexually-themed scenes and 3 of them will have unique drawn events. For now, I don't plan to convert the game into an optional SFW option so people will just have to skip through those events if they don't wish to see.

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I am liking the game so far can't wait to see more of it ๐Ÿ˜

Thanks Natsuwolf!

Looked like it had potential, but I immediately tuned out when a guy brought out a knife.

Sorry Koda; I hoped my trigger warning at the start would have warned you. Thanks for giving it a try all the same.

Small question he says no windows but what are those behind them?


Backgrounds are all placeholders for now. I'll find a capable artist at a future time and replace all of them. T.T


Lanaguage ๐Ÿ‘Œ 

This looks super promising loving it more and more with each update.

Just finished reading chapter 3. Already craving more.


the ending of the prologue was so fucking metal, felt like I was playing a Shin Megami Tensei game ๐Ÿค˜

Drax is my fav so far, I hope you push the limit of his powers on the main character....really into that. Also nice you give an option for consent too ๐Ÿ‘

I just hope we have a choice to fight back, this made me super uncomfortable but had to read it through to understand his power.

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Drax will definitely be a more dubious character to get involved with but to the consent comment, you have the ability to avoid most non-con stuff by just avoiding him. There's some key story moments that you can't avoid (like what leads you to wind up at The Delta Academy in the first place) but I want to make sure there's an 'out' for most things.

Thanks for the comment Hyou! :3

I understand it's a me problem but the losing control of your mind/body part triggers me and I wasn't ready for that.

But just knowing we can avoid/fight back it's enough. Bonus points if we can make him pay tho :)





When will be the next update pls 

Is there ever going to be Android version


Use joiplay to emulate the windows version.


Will there be an android version ?


Use joiplay to emulate the windows version.

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Hey Mukjz! Thanks for the heads up. I'm still new to twitter so I think I have the settings enabled properly now. For the knife scene, that's one of the forced events to get you to TDA so unfortunately for the MC, there's no way to avoid it.

Really great dialog and writing.   Looking forward to more!

pls more pls i need more of that game

Really loved this.

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So good! :D Can't wait to see more of it ๐Ÿ˜Š And it's also playable on Android using JoiPlay app, for those asking for Android version ;)


Thanks for sharing that tip Nikkz! I'll also make sure to cut a legitimate android version on the next update.

Looks interesting can't wait to try it :3

There's a android version?


Noted as something for me to figure out for the next build!

Currently it appears that choices only impact the dialogue immediately afterwards, but you claim "your choices will open up or close routes and scenes depending on the choices you make." Am I just not seeing it because there technically aren't any routes yet?


Correct. The MC still hasn't been introduced to the main 6 characters and so dialogue options are mostly for story flair (which will continue to be a part of the game; I like giving options even if it's not story-critical). The next public build will go up through Chapter 4 where you'll have met all characters and 'love points' behind the scenes will start impacting options for each character.

Ah, ok. So there will be meaningful choices, but my choices early on aren't going to suddenly impact something several chapters later if they don't change anything immediately.


Can I say maybe? As it's a work in progress there will undoubtedly be elements I rework over time.  Meaningful choices I plan to call out pretty obviously but subtle ones (at least in my current thought process) I'd rather be discovered. As an example, where you get stabbed in Chapter 1 will vary some options later on (one being partially sexah') but won't affect any route meaningfully.


your name sounds familiar too me did you try making an other visual novel a few years ago where the main character is a human police officer going to a village of half human and half beast trying to solve a murder in the village. If my memory served me right it was in 2017


Wicked memory! Yeah that's me! When I think back to those character designs I cringe a bit  :shudder: 

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I like there designs though they could get a few touch up i also remember why you stop your first project was because of your RL job i hope this doesnt share the same fate. Also i still have that game but cant remember what it was called the details of the game and creators i can recall the name of the game is another story.

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